Questions About Dyslexia
The problem displayed by individuals with dyslexia involves difficulties in acquiring and using language, reading, and writing letters in the wrong order, and is just one manifestation of dyslexia and does not occur in all cases. Other problems experienced by individuals with dyslexia include:
- Learning to speak
- Organizing written and spoken language
- Learning letters and their sounds
- Memorizing number facts
- Spelling
- Reading
- Learning a foreign language
- Correctly doing math operations
Not all students who have difficulties with these skills are dyslexic. Formal testing is the only way to confirm a diagnosis of suspected dyslexia.
Dyscalculia is a mathematical disability in which a person has unusual difficulty solving arithmetic problems and grasping math concepts.
Dysgraphia is a neurological-based writing disability in which a person finds it hard to form letters or write within a defined space.
The exact causes of dyslexia are still not completely clear, but anatomical and brain imagery studies show differences in the way the brain of a dyslexic person develops and functions. Moreover, most people with dyslexia have been found to have problems with identifying the separate speech sounds within a word and/or learning how letters represent those sounds, a key factor in their reading difficulties. Dyslexia is not due to either lack of intelligence or desire to learn; with appropriate teaching methods, dyslexics can learn successfully.
Some information provided by International Dyslexia Association. Please see their site for additional information.
Questions About MAX Charter
MAX is a not-for-profit Type 2 public charter school. Charter schools are elementary or secondary schools that receive public money but have been freed from some of the rules, regulations, and statutes that apply to other public schools in exchange for some type of accountability for producing certain results, which are set forth in each school’s charter.
While charter schools provide an alternative to other public schools, they are part of the public education system and are not allowed to charge tuition. Where space at a charter school is limited, admission is frequently allocated by lottery-based admissions. Some charter schools provide a curriculum that specializes in a certain field, e.g. arts, mathematics, etc. Others attempt to provide a better and more efficient general education than nearby public schools.
Some charter schools are founded by teachers, parents, or activists who feel restricted by traditional public schools. State-run charters (schools not affiliated with local school districts), which is the case with MAX, are often established by non-profit groups, universities, or government entities.
MAX is a Type 2 charter school which receives funding from a general fund appropriation which flows through the State Department of Education.
For many students and parents, charter schools are providing quality options and raising the bar in public education. To learn more about charter schools, you can visit