Title IX – McKinney Vento Program
The primary goal of The MAX Charter School’s McKinney-Vento Program is to ensure homeless/transitional students stay in school by removing barriers to attendance.
This is done by the following:
- Providing school supplies/backpacks
- Providing school uniforms
- Providing after school tutoring
- Payment of school fees
- Documentation (birth certificates, immunization records, etc.)
- Case management
- Referral to community resources for student and their families
Who is considered homeless under the McKinney-Vento Act?
A student without a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence is homeless. The definition does not change whether the student is living with a parent or is separated from parents. Under the McKinney-Vento Act, a student is homeless if he/she has a primary residence that is any of the following:
- Families doubled-up with friends or family, this includes families in which children and parents are in separate places
- Hotels or motels
- Families/individuals living in parks or camping areas
- Shelter/transitional living (i.e. disaster, domestic violence, homeless)
- Displaced due to natural disaster, lack of financial resources, etc.
- Vehicles or on the street
- Runaway or throwaway teens; abandoned children
- Families residing in sub-standard housing in need of great repair or with no utilities (i.e. running water, electricity)
Community Resources
- Lafourche Parish Office of Community Action (985) 537-7603 or 1-800-794-3160
- Thibodaux Office of Housing and Community Development (985) 446-7217
- Good Samaritan Thrift Store/Food Bank (985) 537-7706
- St. Genevieve Helping Hands (985) 446-5571
- Salvation Army (985) 447-2520
- The Work Connection (985) 446-3016
- Lafourche Parish Medicaid Office (985) 449-5021 or 1-800-401-0132
- Lafourche Parish Mental Health (985) 537-2638
- Catholic Social Services (985) 876-0490
- LA Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD)
- Section 8 Vouchers 1-800-955-2232
- Foreclosure Relief Center 1-888-297-8685
To report child abuse and neglect, call the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) child protection hotline at 1-855-4LA-KIDS (1-855-452-5437) toll free 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.